D2R Bots ready to use

JieGuan Take Over Bot now Farming Baal & Diablo with public game creation

Now with the latest update

– change path optimize teleport – change bot is task after dead – add go inside town before do kill baal so you are no missing drop for public mode – add make new portal after go town for public mode – add Config.PublicMode – add Config.GameType – add Config.GameName – add Config.GamePassword bot is automatic put number for end Config.GameName this is mean if you are do Config.GameName = “nobotbaal-” bot is making game like this = nobotbaal-1 nobotbaal-2 nobotbaal-3 You are need put this new configure change into your Sorceress.lua or Paladin.lua file you can find this file inside Classes folder NOT PUT THIS IN Config.lua if you have not updated your class config file, make sure you get the latest updates for the latest class config file lua code updated to make sure you do not encounter any error.

Check out Solo Baal Farming & Diablo Farming videos below:

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